Do I need to understand stock, bond or money markets before I invest? | Before I invest, do I need to comprehend the stock, bond, or money markets? | Do I need stock, bond or money market knowledge before investing?

Do I need to understand stock, bond or money markets before I invest? | Before I invest, do I need to comprehend the stock, bond, or money markets? | Do I need stock, bond or money market knowledge before investing?

Imagine that you have to travel to a distant country and your only option is by plane.
 Under what circumstances, would you need to know about the various controls of the aircraft in order to fly the aircraft?

 Or the information about all the signals that an aviator receives from all the control towers? Or how does the radio system/system work?

 Certainly not unless you are an aviator or co-driver. If you are just a traveller, all you need to know is whether your needs are being taken care of or not and for this it is very important for you to know what your needs are.

In the context of investing, when you are managing your investments on your own, you need to be aware of the stock, bond and money markets. However, if you fulfill your investment objectives through mutual funds, to achieve your financial goals, you do not need to be familiar with the workings of stocks, bonds and money markets. All you need to know is that which type of mutual fund can serve different purposes.

 Take the help of mutual funds and let a fund management expert handle the various controls of the vehicle.

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