If There Is A 2023 Recession Coming, Where Should I Invest?

If There Is A 2023 Recession Coming, Where Should I Invest?

Key Takeaways

  • Some businesses won't experience sharp changes in demand, even during a recession, and a recession doesn't affect every industry or firm similarly.
  • Despite the fact that market turbulence is to be expected during a recession, you may still safeguard yourself by investing in businesses that are ready for a slump. See the suggestions listed below per industry.

Many individuals are concerned about the potential of losing their jobs as economic talk of a recession looms. The unemployment rate often rises during a recession as businesses reduce personnel owing to a decline in consumer expenditure. Shares of a company typically decrease when it generates less revenue. Employees and investors are left to wonder if there are any sectors that are recession-proof.

Many analysts predict that a recession will occur in 2023, although they disagree as to when it will occur. When a recession has officially begun—which has traditionally been determined by a decrease in GDP for two consecutive quarters—it is determined by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Since GDP is a lagging indicator, a recession's impacts are seen long before it is officially declared.

Due to the fact that many businesses struggle during economic downturns, investors are becoming more and more worried about where to retain assets. To help you choose how to modify your portfolio before the economy enters a formal recession, we're going to examine certain sectors that are typically thought of as recession-proof.

If There Is A 2023 Recession Coming, Where Should I Invest?

What Are Recession Proof Industries?

Recently, we discussed how to reduce the risks associated with investing by selecting defensive companies during a downturn. These businesses often have a history of good company success regardless of market conditions, as well as stable cash flow with little volatility. In the recent years, we have witnessed how certain companies may continue to grow despite total global instability. There are some industries that are less adversely affected by a recession. In this section, we'll highlight these sectors and even list a few businesses that, given their track record and size, you might want to consider investing in.

Which industries are believed to be recession-proof?


Since we must always take care of ourselves and our loved ones and cannot overlook the possibility of being ill, healthcare will always be a top concern. Even during a recession, you'll still visit the doctor and buy necessary prescriptions. Medical services and necessary over-the-counter medicines can both be found at your neighbourhood pharmacy are included in healthcare.

Some healthcare-related stocks to think about are:

  1. Even in a bad economy, individuals will need to go to the neighbourhood pharmacy to get prescriptions filled and buy medication, according to CVS Health (CVS).
  2. Pfizer (PFE) | As the pandemic showed, this corporation produces pharmaceuticals and vaccines that address a range of health conditions.
  3. UnitedHealth Group (UNH) | They provide benefits services, healthcare coverage, and information and technology-enabled health services.
  4. Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) | They provide necessary goods that we'll always need, such as bandages and headache medications.
    If There Is A 2023 Recession Coming, Where Should I Invest?

Basic consumer goods

Some items' demand is quite inelastic because they are essential for living. Since human demands won't suddenly disappear during a recession, basic consumption products will always be necessary. For instance, regardless of the state of the economy, you will still need to shave and maintain basic personal hygiene.
Consumer purchasing patterns will only change during a recession. Even while you may not have as much extra cash to spend on a fancy supper, you won't give up dining altogether. As a result, families could find themselves preparing meals at home more frequently or shopping for discounts at the grocery store.

What businesses in this industry are worth investing in?

  • General Mills (GIS) | People will still need to eat, thus this producer of packaged food goods will continue to see sales.
  • PepsiCo (PEP) | Popular Pepsi products are abundant in grocery stores and will continue to be in high demand.
  • Procter & Gamble (PG) | They offer well-known personal and household goods that people will always need


No matter how the economy does, we will still need utilities. Electricity, gas, water, and trash services must still be paid for. No matter how bad the economy is, you'll keep the heat on and the lights on.
If There Is A 2023 Recession Coming, Where Should I Invest?

What utilities should you consider investing in?

  • Waste Control (WM). They specialise in recycling and waste collection, both of which won't go out of business during a downturn.
  • BROOKEFIELD INSURANCE They own telecommunications towers, power lines, pipelines, and utilities. They still have services that are governed by the government.

Discount retailers

Everyone enjoys a good deal, especially in tough economic times. Because of this, businesses who provide economical retail do better during difficult economic times. As more consumers find themselves on a tighter budget, discount stores will probably experience an uptick in sales as individuals continue to spend money on essentials of life.

Which businesses are good candidates for investment?

  • Walmart (WMT) - A business that advertises consistently cheap pricing will probably remain active throughout a recession.
  • Costco (COST) | Customers frequently shop at Costco in order to save money by buying larger quantities of goods.


While the cost of drinking alcohol may increase, demand often remains stable throughout a recession. Even if they choose not to drink the top shelf, people will still drink.
As the economy continues to deteriorate, it is important to pay attention to breweries like AB InBev. People may drink more while they're bored at home or out of work, as proven by the epidemic.

Maintenance and repair services

This broad category includes a wide range of things, but anything involving maintenance or repair services will still fare well in a downturn. Anything from an HVAC firm to an auto shop falls under this category. You'll still need to get your car's oil changed, and if your home's heating or cooling system needs repair, you'll need to act quickly. Consumers must still rely on repair services to complete tasks that they couldn't do on their own, even when they are trying to save money.

Accounting/Payroll services

Even in a downturn, you must still pay your employees and file your taxes. Since people will still need to manage their finances, any accounting or payroll service will continue to make money.

Transportation services

Moving people about in their everyday lives and moving consumer items will both continue to need the use of transportation services. People may not have as much money for expensive travel, but they still need to get to work. This implies that anything involving the transportation of passengers or goods should remain largely stable.
Since we looked at industries that can withstand a recession, take into account the prospect of changing careers.


Should You Switch to a Recession-Proof Career?

Seeing hard-working people lose their decent employment for no fault of their own is one of the toughest elements of a recession. Even though the goal of this post is to assist you choose sectors that are worth investing in, it's crucial to take into account how a recession will affect your ability to obtain work.
According to a recent Insight Global research, 78% of workers were concerned about losing their employment since a recession may occur. Hopefully, these worries about losing your job won't come true, but it's still necessary to be ready. This might be the cue you need to finally act if you've been considering changing careers.

If There Is A 2023 Recession Coming, Where Should I Invest?

Should You Only Invest in Recession Proof Industries?

It's no secret that equities fall during a recession as investors panic and the markets see more volatility. Does this imply that you should put your money into firms that are thought to be recession-proof rather than continuing to support businesses you believe in?
Although we took the time to identify industries that are recession-proof in this article, we can't deny that they won't always ensure success because it's impossible to predict how the stock market will respond to the recession as a whole.
The reality is that you can never completely protect yourself from a recession's impacts. Even the best-performing corporations are affected by investor fright during a stock market sell-off. The only thing you can do is concentrate on making long-term investments in businesses with solid financial fundamentals. During a recession, we should prepare for significant market volatility because investors may decide to sell their holdings.

Bottom line

There will always be some risk associated with stock market investing. When trying to get a return on your investment, there are no guarantees. The objective is to gain knowledge of various market situations, discover recession-proof sectors, and keep investing in businesses you trust in.
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